
South African Dog

South African Dog.

South African Wild Dogs

south african wild dog.


Australian Shepherd Dog

Australian Shepherd Dog.
History of Dogs.


Spider Man Baby Cute

Spider Man baby Costume.

Babies Love Is Dogs

Babies Love Is Dogs.
That Prove Why Babies Need Dogs
More See Click Here.

That Prove Why Babies Need Dogs

That Prove Why Babies Need Dogs.


History of Dogs

History of Dogs.
Dogs are a kind of wolf. They were the first animals that people fed on purpose, earlier than sheep or cowsors chickens. People have been taking care of dogs since about 13,000 BC, in the Stone Age, before the beginning of farming (and possibly much earlier; maybe as long as 100,000 years ago, before people leftAfrican. Most likely, dogs themselves began this relationship by hanging around people's campsites (there weren't any villages yet), trying to snatch some of their garbage to eat. At first, people must have tried to scare the dogs away. But after a while, some of them realized that the dogs ate rats, and also helped to clean up food garbage that drew flies and other insects. So campsites with dogs were cleaner and healthier than campsites without dogs. Fewer people gotdysentery and died.
The people who lived in these cleaner campsites grew up stronger than people who shooed away dogs, and there were more of them. Eventually, the dog-lovers pretty much took over, all over the world. And dogs evolved to be able to digest more and more people-garbage, especially grains.

Dog fighting in the United States

Dog fighting in the United States.
Dog is a very muscular and powerful breed and more..


Dog Breed Historical Some Photos

Dog Breed Historical Some Photos.


Pakistani Dog Fights

Pakistani dog fights.


Pakistani Bull Dog

Pakistani Bull Dog.
The Gull Dong Pakistani Bull Dog is a very muscular and powerful breed. It is strongly built with a deep chest and a massive skull. Its short, smooth, flat coat comes in variations of white, black, gray and brindle. Gull Dongs are usually taller than other Pakistani Molosser breeds such as Gull Dong  Pakistani Bull Dog is often mistaken as the  aka Bully Kutta.

Pakistani Dog

This Is a Pakistani Dog.

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