
Huey Pretty Crazy Dogs

 Huey loves the Winter, We get lots of snow for the Polar Bear.
This gentle giant is fiercely protective of his family. He's loyal to a fault. A real charmer, he loves attention but can be extremely stubborn if he doesn't get his way.Breed is lovey Dogs.
Some Dogs Dangris Animals Wich Bull dogs And more ,
His bark, if you're a stranger milling around, can be very intimidating.
He loves to run around our one-acre property and is a huge fan of tennis balls. He's pretty crazy for them.
We have two other dogs which are a lot smaller than him and he's thinks he is a lapdog just like them. Beware, he will try to lay on your lap! He loves going on walks and his favorite is going to Tim Horton's for a timbit. Remember, kids, he knows if you're naughty or nice, so you better behave
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