
Coco's Little Bulldog

A little Bulldog family Reunion! 
While Law and Order shot in Bayside NY the other day we reunited Max's mother and brother! 
Let me try to explain who everybody is.....
The 2 dogs that Coco is holding in both pics are Spart and Max.
The one in the middle thats the smallest of them all is Winnie,Max's mother.
The biggest one and the one ice is holding is Petey, Max's bro.. And yes Spartacus was the daddy
What a handsome bunch, right?

 On the set of a music video.We were told to take five.
We found the best seats in the house.

 Pic from our last years calendar cover! We're kinda badass.
We have Ice's flava.

A little Bulldog family Reunion! 
While Law and Order shot in Bayside NY the other day we reunited Max's mother and brother! 
Let me try to explain who everybody is.....
The 2 dogs that Coco is holding in both pics are Spart and Max.
The one in the middle thats the smallest of them all is Winnie,Max's mother.
The biggest one and the one ice is holding is Petey, Max's bro.. And yes Spartacus was the daddy
What a handsome bunch, right?
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Do Not Leave The Dog In The Snowing

Do Not Leave The Dog In The Snowing ,
If yo wouldn't spend the night 
Outside in the bitter cold....
Then don't make your dog either!!
Bring your dog in the house !
Your dog needs a warm bed too !
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Old Dog Is Sitting In Deeply Thinking Someone

Old Dog Is Sitting In Deeply Thinking Someone,Wallpapers
Tomy Dogs Free Downloads Story Wallpapers For Mobile Laptop PC Computers Cute Puppy Nice , Funny Dogs ,Sad Dogs,Stylish Dogs Full Screen ,Widescreen ,Mobile Photos Wallpapers,Tablet Golden Dogs,Some Colors Puppes,Lovely Dogs.Dogs And More Coming Soon.
Tomy Dogs 

Dog Couple Love For Puppy

Dog Couple Love For Puppy  ,Wallpapers
Tomy Dogs Free Downloads Story Wallpapers For Mobile Laptop PC Computers Cute Puppy Nice , Funny Dogs ,Sad Dogs,Stylish Dogs Full Screen ,Widescreen ,Mobile Photos Wallpapers,Tablet Golden Dogs,Some Colors Puppes,Lovely Dogs.Dogs And More Coming Soon.

If You Can't Love A Dogs Like A Family Member Don't Get One

If you can't Love a Dogs like a 
family member Don't get one.
Because they only know how to look at 
you as a pack member and to them, that 
is Family. Tomy Dogs

It Takes A Long Time To Get This Sweet

It Takes A Long Time To Get This Sweet,
You want a puppy? Aw,come on.
Arean't you a little more discriminating?
Pets, like fine wine,improve with age.
When i think about all the dumb things i did as a puppy.
I just want to howl with embarrassment!
The chew-ing of shoes.
The peeing on rugs.
The unfortunate incident with that cat,which is  best not discussed.
But now i'm older and wiser.I may be a little slower,but i'm also smarter
and calmer and less likely to driver you crazy.I'm ready to be your friend and 
couch-mate, to share long walks and evenings in front of the fire.
I'll romp like a puppy sometimes,but not all the time ,
Believe me,that's something you 'll appreciate at three in the morning.
So go check out the puppies and the kittens, and then,when you're ready for mature relationship,
come back to me or one of the older cats,
I've got a lot of love left to give.
Will you let me give it to you?
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It's Not Easy To Train A Dogs

It's Not Easy  To Train A Dogs,
Tomy Dogs Free Downloads Story Wallpapers For Mobile Laptop PC Computers Cute Puppy Nice , Funny Dogs ,Sad Dogs,Stylish Dogs Full Screen ,Widescreen ,Mobile Photos Wallpapers,Tablet Golden Dogs,Some Colors Puppes,Lovely Dogs.Dogs And More Coming Soon,

Old Dogs Nails Photos

Old Dogs Nails.
Tomy Dogs Free Downloads Story Wallpapers For Mobile Laptop PC Computers Cute Puppy Nice , Funny Dogs ,Sad Dogs,Stylish Dogs Full Screen ,Widescreen ,Mobile Photos Wallpapers,Tablet Golden Dogs,Some Colors Puppes,Lovely Dogs.Dogs And More Coming Soon.
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Old Dogs

Old Dog
When i am old and grey 
my step might be slower.
I may not hear as well.
I may not see as well.
I may not feel as well.
My Love will be the same.
My devotion will be the same.
My appreciation will be the same.

My heart and souf are grateful
for all that you have done and do....
When i am old and grey.
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Hunting Dog

Hunting Dog.
Hunting dog with owner
Tomy Dogs Free Downloads Story Wallpapers For Mobile Laptop PC Computers Cute Puppy Nice , Funny Dogs ,Sad Dogs,Stylish Dogs Full Screen ,Widescreen ,Mobile Photos Wallpapers,Tablet Golden Dogs,Some Colors Puppes,Lovely Dogs.Dogs And More Coming Soon...
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Mobile Background Small Cute Puppies Wallpapers

Mobile Background Small Cute Puppies Wallpapers,
Tomy Dogs Free Downloads Story Wallpapers For Mobile Laptop PC Computers Cute Puppy Nice , Funny Dogs ,Sad Dogs,Stylish Dogs Full Screen ,Widescreen ,Mobile Photos Wallpapers,Tablet Golden Dogs,Some Colors Puppes,Lovely Dogs.Dogs And More Coming Soon,,,
See More : Tomy Dogs

Love Never Dead With Dogs

Love Never Dead With Dogs.
Tony(It is a name of dog) lived in a village with its own .its own was a school going boy the boy loved it very much and tony also loved him very much .when the boy went to school behind him the tony felt sadness
and remain upset without the boy .the boy also remain sad and upset during school timing. When the boy came back to home  from the school the Tony stand up in the respect of the boy and licked his feet the boy kissed the dog and took lunch together,drunk together,ate together and walk also together.The Tony (DOG) always remained with him in every
field.When the boy started home work,the dog was sitting near the boy and was looking continuously to him.
The boy had also to pet hens.The responsibility of the hens was total under the Tony.In the absent of the boy,the Tony (DOG) was looking after the hens.One night the Tony and hens sleeping in the in a room.The forestry big cat enter into the room and caught the hen one by one and ate before the Dog's eyes unfortunately,the Dog didn't help the hens abacus
the boy tied the Tony with a belt  but the dog tried his best but in vain.It did not loosed itself at least hi set down with sorrow.Hens were dead but it could not do something for the hens all night it did not sleep the Dog thought itself that it can not done it,s proper duty.In this thinking, the Dog became weak and weak step by step because Tony did not love just boy
it also loved hens.The boy also upset due to the Tony's physically condition was going to in bad situation.The boy connected differed doctors,clinic and hospitals. All the doctors took exam but no disease showed all the doctors were upset about the Dog's situation butt the Dog was becoming weak with the sorrow of hens the Dog had no disease,it was becoming due to death of hens.after two weeks, the Tony Dog enough weak it could not stand and walk at least it expired
with the sorrow of hens.The boy remained upset many days then he took a puppy in the same color.He kept its name also Tony but he could not forget the Tony till now.
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Black Prince Dog

Black Prince Dog,Fulscreen black wallpapers

Dog Victory Style

Dog Victory Style,
Buy a Dog
Dog Training Books
Dog Training Tips
Free Puppies
Small Dogs For Sale
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Dogs Are A Gift Most Of Us Don't Deserve

If you have or had a dog who has mad you laugh,
brightened your life,and every day silently accepted your tears without judgment,snuggled with you,forgiven your faults and loved you unconditionally-click "share."

Dogs are a gift most of us don't deserve!
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Little Dog Latest Wallpapers

Little Dog Latest Wallpapers .
Dog Puppy HD Wallpapers Beautiful Desktop Pictures Widescreen
Home Nice Dogs Animal Wallpapers Bull Dog Puppy HD Wallpapers Beautiful Desktop Photos Golden Retriever Dog Widescreen Pitbull Dog Puppy HD Wallpapers Beautiful Desktop Pictures Widescreen,
See More :  Tomy Dogs

Cute Puppy Wallpapers

Cute Puppy Wallpapers
Dog Puppy HD Wallpapers Beautiful Desktop Pictures Widescreen
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Golden Retriever Dog Widescreen

Golden Retriever Dog Widescreen.
Dog Puppy HD Wallpapers Beautiful Desktop Pictures Widescreen
Home Nice Dogs Animal Wallpapers Bull Dog Puppy HD Wallpapers Beautiful Desktop Photos Golden Retriever Dog Widescreen Pitbull Dog Puppy HD Wallpapers Beautiful Desktop Pictures Widescreen,
See More :  Tomy Dogs

Mad Dogs Are Harmless

1-Mad Dog.
Mad dog is a dangerous.But we treat the mad day than it is a harmless life normal dag and spend a normal life after treatment-
normal dog became mad dag due to wrong treatment is fever condition it we gove a wrong injectionto the dog than there injection dirreet effect an the dogs brain.
Some time hot summer effect.
2-One it and disturb ito brain,
It the madness condition the dog can orgnize the owner and any body ar any things .
It bite every thing which come on his way or is front of its eyes.
Some time mad dog bite the normal dog the ar any living things .those things also become mad due to germs of the mad dog.
3-Mad dog sit alone and you or owner colled the dog by its name
 it in not come even dog donot  give any respons.
The water is bringiny from the doy is mouth contionuously mostly people want to kill the dog but it is not true.
The also have life like human being .so we should treat the mad treat the mad dog because it is suffer life human being
We do not want to kill the man of he suffered .so we not kill the mad.
It is needed to proper treatment and after completing  treatment.it will spend a normal life with you.
It became a member of you family,
See More : http://www.tomydogs.com/

Dog Puppy HD Wallpapers Beautiful Desktop Pictures Widescreen

Dog Puppy HD Wallpapers Beautiful Desktop Pictures Widescreen
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Hard Things Are Horrible For The Jaw Of Dogs

Hard Things Are Horrible For The Jaw Of Dogs.
Meet oogy,oogy was about tn weeks old and weighed 20 pounds he was tied to a stake and used as bait for a pit bull.
The left side of his face including most of his ear was ton off.
He was bitten so hard a piece of his lower jaw was crushed.
Afterward, he was thrown  into a cage and lift to bleed to death.
If you have time to reblog nail polish and makeup photos,youll have time to reblog this, respect for oogy... he's a survivor for a breed ruined by horrible people.I by horrible in these dogs.
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Sadness Of The Dogs

Sadness Of The Dogs
The dogs have become sad due to many reasons.Many pet dogs remain happy when the live in house .
If the owner of the dog lift freely than it is become a freely dogs  and hi miss the owner hi spend the life on the road in the rain and sit in sad mode.
If we have no interst in the pet dogs and other animals then we donot bring at home.
All member of the family want to go some where we do not live the dog alone behinde it feel lonly and becom sad.
Look up  pictures we uplouds as a sample .
In all these pictures, dogs sit on the road vich in rain.
You can feel the dogs sit in sad mode .We want to care in proper way than we donot lift apreat ,
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Be Comfortable Dog Style

Be Comfortable Dog Style,enjoy your weekend
A beautiful picture of you both 
beautiful pic of a beautiful pair. lovely
Lovely picture, so beautiful,

Pakistani Shepherd Dog (Bhagyari Kutta )

Pakistani Shepherd Dog (Bhagyari Kutta ),
The bhagyari kutta is a herding dog from pakistan, with a long history alongside humans,pakistani shepherd dog (Bhagyari Kutta ) is very very dangerous.
Pakistani Shepherd Dog (Bhagyari Kutta ) very strong and muscular dog,their lips are black and their nose is mostly black and nachural color brown and black eyes,chocolate, light brown,The eyes are almond shaped and the forehead is round,
Bhagyari Kutta is best home security guard,they are very keen and love to herd animals,
Pakistani Shepherd Dog (Bhagyari Kutta ) is very friendly and best friend,
The Pakistani Shepherd Dog loves strenuous activity, preferably combined with training of some kind, for these dogs are very intelligent and crave a good challenge,
More Info Visit  http://www.tomydogs.com/

A Dog Love you Luke

My dog my best friend.
Show me a picture of you with your best friend

Funny Dogs Photos

Funny Dogs Photos.
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Dog Should Ever Live On A Chain

share if you believe no dog should ever
live on a chain!

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