
Love Never Dead With Dogs

Love Never Dead With Dogs.
Tony(It is a name of dog) lived in a village with its own .its own was a school going boy the boy loved it very much and tony also loved him very much .when the boy went to school behind him the tony felt sadness
and remain upset without the boy .the boy also remain sad and upset during school timing. When the boy came back to home  from the school the Tony stand up in the respect of the boy and licked his feet the boy kissed the dog and took lunch together,drunk together,ate together and walk also together.The Tony (DOG) always remained with him in every
field.When the boy started home work,the dog was sitting near the boy and was looking continuously to him.
The boy had also to pet hens.The responsibility of the hens was total under the Tony.In the absent of the boy,the Tony (DOG) was looking after the hens.One night the Tony and hens sleeping in the in a room.The forestry big cat enter into the room and caught the hen one by one and ate before the Dog's eyes unfortunately,the Dog didn't help the hens abacus
the boy tied the Tony with a belt  but the dog tried his best but in vain.It did not loosed itself at least hi set down with sorrow.Hens were dead but it could not do something for the hens all night it did not sleep the Dog thought itself that it can not done it,s proper duty.In this thinking, the Dog became weak and weak step by step because Tony did not love just boy
it also loved hens.The boy also upset due to the Tony's physically condition was going to in bad situation.The boy connected differed doctors,clinic and hospitals. All the doctors took exam but no disease showed all the doctors were upset about the Dog's situation butt the Dog was becoming weak with the sorrow of hens the Dog had no disease,it was becoming due to death of hens.after two weeks, the Tony Dog enough weak it could not stand and walk at least it expired
with the sorrow of hens.The boy remained upset many days then he took a puppy in the same color.He kept its name also Tony but he could not forget the Tony till now.
See More : Tomy Dogs

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