
Mad Dogs Are Harmless

1-Mad Dog.
Mad dog is a dangerous.But we treat the mad day than it is a harmless life normal dag and spend a normal life after treatment-
normal dog became mad dag due to wrong treatment is fever condition it we gove a wrong injectionto the dog than there injection dirreet effect an the dogs brain.
Some time hot summer effect.
2-One it and disturb ito brain,
It the madness condition the dog can orgnize the owner and any body ar any things .
It bite every thing which come on his way or is front of its eyes.
Some time mad dog bite the normal dog the ar any living things .those things also become mad due to germs of the mad dog.
3-Mad dog sit alone and you or owner colled the dog by its name
 it in not come even dog donot  give any respons.
The water is bringiny from the doy is mouth contionuously mostly people want to kill the dog but it is not true.
The also have life like human being .so we should treat the mad treat the mad dog because it is suffer life human being
We do not want to kill the man of he suffered .so we not kill the mad.
It is needed to proper treatment and after completing  treatment.it will spend a normal life with you.
It became a member of you family,
See More : http://www.tomydogs.com/

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