
Man's Best Friend Dogs

A did is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.
The average dog is nicer person than the average person.
Happiness is a swarm puppy.
Sometime you don't need mordant to feel better:
you just need the nearness of your dog.
Dogs are not our whole life.but they make our lives whole.
If you've never owned a dog.there is not necessarily anything wrong with you.
But there may be something wrong with your life .
Dogs feel very strongly that they should always go with you in the car.
In case the need should arise for these to bark violently at nothing right in
your ear.
A dog is like a person- he needs a job and a family to be what he's meant to be.
There are over three hundred words for love in canine.
When an eighty-five pound normal licks your tears away.
Then tries to sit on your lap.it's hard to feel sad.man's best friend is his dog.
If i could be half the person my dog is.
I'd be evict the human i an  .
The world would be a nicer placer if everyone had the ability to love as 
unconditionally as a dog. See More : Tomy Dogs

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