
Care Of Your Friend Dogs

Take care of your furry friends and help neighbors take care of theirs.
Before we talk about cold weather care, you should know that in winter, the VERY BEST place for your dog to sleep is in your house. It's better than on a porch, under an awning, in a barn, or in a dog house. Discussed below are ways to take care of your dog if he spends any time at all out in the cold.
During winter storms and cold weather, it's important for you to do special things for your dog. Dogs require very special care in cold weather. The air is cold, it's windy, water freezes, and salt is on the sidewalks to melt the snow. If your dog walks on salty sidewalks or streets, be sure to rinse the salt off the bottom of his feet when you get home. Keep plenty of fresh cool water available at all times. No ice!
Outside dogs use more calories to keep warm in winter, so you give your dog additional food.
Your dog's coat is good protection against the cold weather. Don't shave your dog during the winter months. Keep it thick and long. And if you bathe him, it's best to dry him completely before going outside.
The BEST place for your dog is inside your warm home with you. If your dogs MUST stay outside: Fresh straw (not hay) can make a nice bed in the doghouse. It's comfortable and helps keep your dog warm. Many people who live in cold areas use this inside their dog houses. Your dog should always have access to shelter and warm bedding when left outside unattended.
Young puppies should not be left outside when it's very cold. They can't make themselves warm like older dogs can. Keep your puppy safe and cozy in inside.
And very important: Help others who are not able to provide shelter, warmth, or food for their pets.
See More : Tomy Dogs

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