
Love Forever..Your Human

A human's prayer to a dog...
Thank you for your bark.
Thank you for welcoming me Home with a smile and wagging tail.
Thank you for your silly antics.
Thank you for laying next to me.
Thank you for a cold wet nose.
Thank you for accepting me .
Thank you for adopting me.
Thank you for your patience .
Thank you for letting me be a part of your life.
Love forever..your human. 
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I Love Dogs

I Love dogs best of all God's creatures,
They have such noble,honest features,
You never really have to scold'em.
And even dogs that have no beauty
Are always quick to do their duty,
For they are faithful friends,and true,
And gladly give their lives for you.


Every Dog Starts Life With A Blank Cans

Every dog starts life with a blank cans.
His destiny etched by the hands of the painter,and each one an artists original.
The portrait painted depends on how the brush is held.
Paint with hostility, and a dog learns to fight.
Paint with cruelty,and a dog learns fear.
Paint with anger,and a dog learns aggression.
Paint with praise,and a dog learns confidence.
Paint with boundaries,and a dog learns respect.
Paint with tenderness,and dog learns to bond.
Paint with affection,and a dog learns to love.
Every dog is a product of its environment.
Bad dogs are not born,they are created.
If the portrait is flawed,look to the artist.
Stop blaming the dogs! : Tomy Dogs 

A Dog's Best Friend

A Dog's Best Friend
O Lord,don't let me once forget,How i love my trusty pet-
Help me learn to disregard canine craters in my yard.
Show me how to be a buddy even when my sofa's muddy.
Don't allow my pooch to munch postal carriers for lunch.
Shield my neighbor's cat from view,
guide my steps around the doo.
Grant i shan't awake in fear withe a cold nose in my ear.
Give me patience without end-
Help me be "A Dog's Best Friend."
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Wait For Your Return

And i wait for your return,Tomy Dogs.
I wait in the same place,every day,through Wind and rain.
Summer and winter,Autumn and spring.
Why do i wait?Because this is the true loyalty of a dog
who loves you unconditionally.
I am Tomy Dogs, Greatest Dog in all of all world.
Who inspired the Hearts of many.My Story
became a Legend. My Loyalty,Warmed built a 
Bronze Statue in the Place i waited for you,
To make Tribute to the Greatest Story ever.  See More Tomy Dogs

Dogs Enjoy Snow

Dogs Enjoy Snow Wallpapers
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Dog Lover

You know you're a 
Dog Lover
You think your dog is a good kisser
Your dogs has more clothes than you
You hang out with your dog instead of friends
You only go places your dog is welcome
You eat fast food and your dog eats gourmet food
Yu have more pictures of your dog than your family
You spend more on your dogs,grooming than your own
your dog has more toys than your children
Your dog makes your schedule.
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Tribute To A Dog

"Tribute To A Dog"
"The one absolutely unselfish friend that can have...
the one that never deserts him and the one that
never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog.....
He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he 
were a prince .
When all other friends desert he remains."
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Dog's Save A Life

Please protect you pets during this cold weather.
Bring them inside or Please fill their hour with straw
or other materials to keep them warm.
Feed them extra food and make sure they have
fresh unfrozen water to drink.
And most of all give them LOVE.
Please help your neighbors who my be in need
with their pets too .....
Provide.Warmth,Dry Shelter,Fresh Water and Love.
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Care Of Your Friend Dogs

Take care of your furry friends and help neighbors take care of theirs.
Before we talk about cold weather care, you should know that in winter, the VERY BEST place for your dog to sleep is in your house. It's better than on a porch, under an awning, in a barn, or in a dog house. Discussed below are ways to take care of your dog if he spends any time at all out in the cold.
During winter storms and cold weather, it's important for you to do special things for your dog. Dogs require very special care in cold weather. The air is cold, it's windy, water freezes, and salt is on the sidewalks to melt the snow. If your dog walks on salty sidewalks or streets, be sure to rinse the salt off the bottom of his feet when you get home. Keep plenty of fresh cool water available at all times. No ice!
Outside dogs use more calories to keep warm in winter, so you give your dog additional food.
Your dog's coat is good protection against the cold weather. Don't shave your dog during the winter months. Keep it thick and long. And if you bathe him, it's best to dry him completely before going outside.
The BEST place for your dog is inside your warm home with you. If your dogs MUST stay outside: Fresh straw (not hay) can make a nice bed in the doghouse. It's comfortable and helps keep your dog warm. Many people who live in cold areas use this inside their dog houses. Your dog should always have access to shelter and warm bedding when left outside unattended.
Young puppies should not be left outside when it's very cold. They can't make themselves warm like older dogs can. Keep your puppy safe and cozy in inside.
And very important: Help others who are not able to provide shelter, warmth, or food for their pets.
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Man's Best Friend Dogs

A did is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.
The average dog is nicer person than the average person.
Happiness is a swarm puppy.
Sometime you don't need mordant to feel better:
you just need the nearness of your dog.
Dogs are not our whole life.but they make our lives whole.
If you've never owned a dog.there is not necessarily anything wrong with you.
But there may be something wrong with your life .
Dogs feel very strongly that they should always go with you in the car.
In case the need should arise for these to bark violently at nothing right in
your ear.
A dog is like a person- he needs a job and a family to be what he's meant to be.
There are over three hundred words for love in canine.
When an eighty-five pound normal licks your tears away.
Then tries to sit on your lap.it's hard to feel sad.man's best friend is his dog.
If i could be half the person my dog is.
I'd be evict the human i an  .
The world would be a nicer placer if everyone had the ability to love as 
unconditionally as a dog. See More : Tomy Dogs

Great Dog

A Really Great Dog
We each have a bread 
That we hold dear but it actually comes down
to the dog we're near.
Short hair or long skinny or round it;s the heart of the dog
That we truly found.
Some jump and bark others sit and stare 
no matter their actions we always care.
Makes no difference their family tree a really great dog
is all you see. See More : Tomy Dogs

Dogs A Happy New Home

A Happy New Home
Sometime i think-where's my mom, where's my dad?
Trying to remember the past.
But then i remember the kind gentle hearts of a family that walk on tow legs.
A scratch behind the ear,a pat on the head , i'm really part of this pack.
There;s chase and fetch , great tug -of-war and running around with the boys.
Those special treats from the cardboard box a delight from kind human hands.
I'll always remember mom's kind gentle ways but they seem unimportant today.
I'm surrounded by love, treated with kindness-even have my own bed.
It's great to be here and part of the life in a happy new loving home.
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Dog Have Given Us Their Absolute All

Dog have given us their absolute all.
We are the center of their universe.
We are the focus of their love and faith and trust.
They serve us is return for scraps.
It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made.
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I Went Out To Rescue A Dog That Day

I went out to rescue a dog that day 
To give him a really good life
To take him away from the life that he led
and free him from trouble and strife 
I thought i would do him a favor .
And be a good person to him 
And go do my bit for the country
I didn't go out on a whim.
But what do you think really did happen?
The day that i did my good deed,
I discovered a love that i'd dreamed of and fulfilled in myself a strong need.
I now have a dog that i care for,
I see things i needed to see.
That lovely dog that i rescued
Really ended up rescuing me .
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A Dogs Best Job

A Dogs Job
That is the  job of being a dog-
To bark,to get dirty feet to give sloppy kisses.
To always be there at your  feet,in your bed by your side.
in the car,in the park in your heart.
That is the job of being a dos-a companion a friend one that thinks
you and you alone are the center of their universe.
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The Dogs Is Not A Pet It's A Family Member

The Dogs Is Not A Pet It's A Family Member
This man is holding his dog 
wo passed on due to smoke inhalation.
This picture was taken just after firefighters
brought her out.
Dogs aren't just pets.
Dogs are family. Tomy Dogs

Love A Dog Like A Family Member

If you can't Love A Dog like a 
family member Don't get one.
Because the only know how 
to look at you as a pack member
and to thern ,that is Family. Tomy Dogs

Angelina Polska Family Dogs

Angelina Polska to While There a Huge Playboy Photographer 
RANDOMLY Stopped By The House For My Family Dogs 
To Be Healthy Happy And Live For a Very Long Time. Tomy Dogs

Airplane Dogs Wallpapers

Airplane Dogs Wallpapers,
Some Wallpapers Copy Different Website In Your Entertainment,
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Two Dogs Friends Enjoying After Bathing In Sea

Two Dogs Friends Enjoying After Bathing In Sea .Wallpapers Free Download
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Save A Life Adopt A Pet Bull

Save A Life Adopt A Pet Bull
From your local shelter or rescue groups.
Millions of putties been killed in shelters due to bad owners,
backyard,negative press and shameful BSL laws that are enacted 
in over 500 cities nationwide.
Putties deserve a chance and there are thousand waiting right now
for a forever home.
Consider adopting a beautiful pet bull from your local shelter or rescue group.
Like all dogs,
they just want a family to love ! Tomy Dogs

Black Dog Wallpapers

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Biter Bitch

This bitch is very dangerous  so looking here and there .She wants to bite to some one.
No some one want to go near her. Every body is standing far from her .
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Love Between Dog And Beby

Love Between Dog And Beby,
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Pakistani Dangerous Dog Sitting In Sun Shine

Pakistani Dangerous Dog Sitting In Sun Shine ,
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My Dog Is Not Just A Pet

My dog is not just a pet
He is not just a fur baby, and
he is not an accessory.He's my best friend,and
we saved each other.
When no one wanted him.I did.
And when no one wanted me,he did.
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